7. Romans 3:21-26 | Michael Bouterse

7. Romans 3:21-26

Why is it so easy to feel dogged by a sense of shame and inadequacy? Is there a way to shut off the inner monologue that says, “You’ll never be enough”? In this message on Romans 3:21-26, Michael Bouterse, Thrive’s local director, expounds Paul’s teaching on justification by faith, the cornerstone of Christian theology. Human beings are self-justifying creatures, always searching for new ways to shed our sense of guilt and feel morally superior to others. But the doctrine of justification says that the erasure of our guilt comes only through what Jesus did on the cross. The result is forgiveness and the breathtaking gift of God’s righteousness.

Scripture passages cited (or alluded to) in this message include Isaiah 64:6; Psalm 103:10-12; 109:22; Matthew 3:17; 5:20; 17:5; 2 Corinthians 5:21; and Ephesians 6:14.